Generating WSDL

XQueryWebService automatically generates a Web Service Desctiption Language (WSDL) document based on the XQuery in your Java servlet container's XQuery directory. The WSDL document describes the services that are exposed by a given XQuery. This information can be useful if you plan to provide programmatic access to one or more of those services.

To take a look at the WSDL document generated – in real-time – for the Employee Lookup example, click here:

If we take a closer look, we see that the WSDL document defines a single service (<wsdl:service>), exposed through two ports: SOAP and HTTPGET.

Each query is exposed as a WSDL operation (<wsdl:operation>), with each query's external variables exposed as operation parameters. Further, all built-in schema types are preserved in the parameter declaration.

Consider the following external variable declared in our example XQuery:

declare variable $id as xs:string external; 

The following global element appears in the <wsdl:types> section of the generated WSDL document:

<xs:element name="emp"> 
            <xs:element name="id" type="xs:string"/> 

The input message references the global element, "emp":

<wsdl:message name="empInputMsg"> 
    <wsdl:part element="dd:emp" name="parameters"/> 

Currently, XQueryWebService does not support user-defined types for external variables.

Next Steps

You can use a WSDL document to create a set of classes that can be used to manipulate the data service as if it was a local library. Learn more about using WSDL service references in the next section.