Accessing XML Results

You can access XML results of a query as:

For examples showing how to access XML results, see Returning Results with Java XML APIs.


The DOM nodes returned from XML results are DOM Level 2 Core API compliant.


DataDirect XQuery serializes a result sequence or a single item as SAX events in the following way:

  1. The instance of the data model is normalized as described in:
  2. The normalization process results in one of the following:
  3. Events are generated as defined by the SAX2 specification.

DataDirect XQuery reports comment nodes to the specified ContentHandler if that object also implements the LexicalHandler interface.


DataDirect XQuery serializes a result sequence or a single item as StAX events in the following way:

  1. The instance of the data model is normalized as described in :
  2. The normalization process results in one of the following:
  3. Events are generated as defined by the StAX 1.0 specification.


DataDirect XQuery supports serializing query results (serialization refers to converting query results to text). The writeSequence and getSequenceAsString methods of the XQSequence interface allow you to serialize the results to the following Java objects: java.lang.String,, and This serialization conforms to the process as described in the XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization specification, located at:

See Serialization Support for more information.