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OpenAccess SDK Service Attributes : Defining Service Attributes : DataSourceFetchNextOnly


Turns on a workaround for Visual Basic/Remote Data Objects (RDO) that circumvents a problem with FORWARD_ONLY cursors when the driver reports other values than FETCH_NEXT for SQLGetInfo(SQL_FETCH_DIRECTION).
For example, if the driver only reports FETCH_NEXT, RDO performs SQLExecDirect, SQLBindCol, and SQLExtendedFetch(NEXT). If the driver supports more than FETCH_NEXT, RDO performs SQLExecDirect, SQLExtendedFetch(NEXT), and SQLGetData. This is only valid when the rowsize is 1, but RDO uses a larger rowsize in this situation.

Valid values

1 | 0
*1=The driver will incorrectly report that only SQL_FETCH_NEXT is supported, which satisfies RDO.
*0=The workaround is not turned on.




For more information, refer to the OpenAccess SDK Client Reference.