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OpenAccess SDK Manager Commands : OpenAccess SDK Manager Commands : EventExport | ee

EventExport | ee

In a client/server configuration, exports events from a specified service or specified event trace file to a text file or XML file.


{eventexport | ee} service_name | [remote]file=event_trace_file_nameexport_formatexport_file_name | [ [ [{service | srvc}] | [{session | sess}] | [{statement | stmt}] | [{transaction | trans}] | [{network | net}] | [{error | err}] | [{other | oth}] ] ] [count=[{ + | - }] {all | number}] [offset={begin | end} [{ + | - }]number] [query=’custom_event_filter_string’]
service_name or [remote]filename is the name of a data access service. The event trace file from the specified service is listed. Service names can be obtained using the ServiceList | sl command.
event_trace_file_name is the path and name of the event trace file.
export_format is the format of the file to which you want to export the events, where:
*{delimited_txt | deltxt} is a text file with commas separating each event you export
*{raw_xml | rxml} is a well-formed XML file.
*{validated_xml | vxml} is a valid XML file.
You will be prompted to enter the format if it is missing.
export_file_name is the path and name of the file to which you are exporting the events. You will be prompted to enter this information if it is missing.
number is the event number of events to export when used with the count option. When used with the offset option, number is the number of the event from which to start exporting events. For example, if offset=10, OpenAccess SDK would export all events starting with event 10. Using another example, if you specify count=20 and offset=begin, OpenAccess SDK will export the first 20 events. If you specify count=20 and offset=5, OpenAccess SDK will export 20 events starting from event 5.
custom_event_filter_string is an event filter statement. See Filtering Events.


Event Types: You can specify one or more of the following event groups for which to export event information: Service, Session, Statement, Transaction, Network, Error, or Other. When you specify one or more of the event groups, OpenAccess SDK Manager exports all the events of the type you specified. For example, if you specify Service, OpenAccess SDK exports all service events such as Service Started and Service Stopping (these events start with "Service"). Event names that do not start with Service, Session, Network, Error, Statement, or Transaction are Other events (for example, Cursor Closed).


Local host or remote configuration examples:
Example A: The following example exports event information in the local file named OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc to a text file named export.txt:

ee "file=C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\oaserver81\tracing\
OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc" deltxt export.txt

Example B: The following example exports event information for only service events in the remote file named OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc to a valid XML file named export.xml:

ee "remotefile=C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\oaserver81\
tracing\OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc" vxml export.xml service

Example C: The following example exports event information for all service events starting with event number 10 in the event trace file associated with the OpenAccessSDK810_C data access service to a well-formed XML file named export.xml:

ee OpenAccessSDK810_C rxml export.xml service count=all offset=10
Example D: The following example exports session event information for the OpenAccess SDK Agent service to a text file named export.txt:

ee OpenAccessSDK810_Agent deltxt export.txt
Example E: The following example defines a query for the information it will export for the OpenAccessSDK810_C data access service to a valid XML file named export.xml. The query returns all SQL statements that do not return a return code of 0:

ee OpenAccessSDK810_C vxml export.xml stmt
query=’${ReturnCode} != 0’
Example F: The following example exports event information from the local/remote file named to a valid XML file named export.xml. To filter using Timestamps, compare ${TimeStamp} to strings in ISO 8601 time format, that is, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where hh:mm:ss is optional:

ee file=”
a full-path
” vxml export.xml query='${timestamp} > "2007-06-26 02:00:00"'
Offline configuration examples:
Example A: The following example exports event information from the local file named OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc to a text file named export.txt:

ee "file=C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\oaserver81\tracing\
OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc" deltxt export.txt

Example B: The following example exports event information for the first 10 events in the local file named OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc to a text file named export.txt:

ee "file=C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\oaserver81\tracing\
OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc" deltxt export.txt count=10

Example C: The following example exports event information from the local file named OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc, starting from the end of the file and listing all events, to a well-formed XML file named export.xml:

ee "file=C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\oaserver81\tracing\
OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc" rxml export.xml count=-all offset=end

Example D: The following example exports only session and service event information from the local file named OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc, starting with the fifth event, to a well-formed XML file named export.xml:

ee "file=C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\oaserver81\tracing\
OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc" rxml export.xml offset=5 service session

Example E: The following example exports event information for service events only from the local file named OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc to a valid XML file named export.xml:

ee "file=C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\oaserver81\tracing\
OpenAccessSDK810_C.trc" vxml export.xml service

Example F: The following example exports event information for the MVSDB28 service on z/OS to a valid XML file named export.xml. To filter using Timestamps, compare ${TimeStamp} to strings in ISO 8601 time format, that is, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where hh:mm:ss is optional:

ee MVSDB28 vxml export.xml query='${timestamp} > "2007-06-26 02:00:00"'