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Configuring the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine : Configuring Disk Cache : How Query Results Are Cached to Disk

How Query Results Are Cached to Disk

Query results are written to a CacheData file that is created uniquely for each connection using the configuration parameters described in . The CacheData file is created to cache results of a query and is used for all queries on that connection. The file is deleted when the user disconnects. If a user attempts to execute multiple queries that have large result sets, all of the results are stored in the same cache file.
If a result set must be sorted, two additional files, Sort1 and Sort2, are created with the same size as the CacheData file and are deleted after completing the sort operation. The server (or the Local ODBC driver) can handle one statement at a time, so only one sort operation is performed at any time. Only one set of sort files is created, even if multiple statements with large result sets require sorting.
You must reserve disk space sufficient for the cache files, based on how many concurrent connections are expected that may require caching to disk.