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Using the OpenAccess SDK Management Console : Working with the OpenAccess SDK Management Console

Working with the OpenAccess SDK Management Console

The MMC Console window, by default, is divided into two panes. The left pane shows the console tree in the Tree tab. Each node in the tree for the OpenAccess Manager Snap-in represents an item in your OpenAccess SDK configuration. You can expand any node in the console tree by double-clicking that node or by single-clicking the + (plus sign) for that node.
When you select an item in the left pane, the right pane (details pane) displays information about the item you selected or shows wizards you can use to perform common tasks that affect that item. To use any wizard, click the wizard icon.
In this section: 
* Connecting to OpenAccess SDK Agents
* Displaying OpenAccess SDK Service Attributes
* Refreshing Active Information
* Using the OpenAccess SDK Management Console Toolbar