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Developing ADO Applications : Specifying Application IDs : Generating Application IDs Automatically

Generating Application IDs Automatically

Using the ADO Client, the client application specifies the following key-value pairs in the DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING property of the DBPROPSET_DBINITALL property set:
Automatic Application ID=x
When Automatic Application ID is set to 1, the full path of the application executable is used as input for the hash function.
When Automatic Application ID is set to 2, the executable binary file is used as input for the hash function.
When Automatic Application ID is set to 3, both the full path of the application executable and the executable binary file are used as input for the hash function.
When Automatic Application ID is set to 4, the full directory name of the application executable is used as input for the hash function.