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Using the ODBC Client : Using DataDirect Connection Pooling : Connection Pool Statistics

Connection Pool Statistics

The ODBC Client has a connection attribute to monitor the status of connection pools. This attribute, which is described in the following table, allows your application to fetch statistics for the pool to which a connection belongs.
Connection Attribute
Calling SQLGetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_POOL_INF, SQL_GET_POOL_INFO) returns a PoolInfoStruct that contains the statistics for the connection pool to which this connection belongs. This PoolInfoStruct is defined in qesqlext.h. For example:
SQLGetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_ATTR_POOL_INFO, PoolInfoStruct *, SQL_LEN_BINARY_ATTR(PoolInfoStruct), &len);
This is a read-only connection attribute. The driver returns an error if SQLSetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_POOL_INFO) is called.