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Using the ODBC Client : Specifying ODBC Connection Attributes : GetOutputParams (GOP)

GetOutputParams (GOP)


GetOutputParams (GOP)


Turns on a workaround that allows you to control when output parameters of stored procedures are returned to calling applications. This attribute uses a bitmask with the following options:

Valid Values

1 | 2 | 4 | 7
If set to 1, output parameters are returned after a SQLExecute.
If set to 2, output parameters are returned after a SQLFetch is complete.
If set to 4, output parameters are returned after SQLMoreResults returns no more rows.
If set to 7 (the initial default), output parameters are returned after all of the above.
The value for this connection attribute should be set to the cumulative value of all chosen options added together.
Note: Set GetOutputParams=3 when executing stored procedures with output parameters in RDO (Visual Basic 5 and 6).
