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Using the JDBC Client : JDBC Connection Properties : LoadBalancing



Determines whether the driver will use client load balancing in its attempts to connect to the list of OpenAccess SDK Servers (primary and alternate).

Valid Values

true | false
When set to true, client load balancing is used and the JDBC Client attempts to connect to the list of OpenAccess SDK Servers (primary and alternate servers) in random order.
When set to false (the initial default), client load balancing is not used and the JDBC Client connects to each server based on their sequential order (primary server first, then, alternate servers in the order they are specified).


In the case where the following properties are specified:
the JDBC Client randomly selects from the list of primary and alternate servers which server to connect to first. If that connection fails, the JDBC Client again randomly selects from this list of servers until all servers in the list have been tried or a connection is successfully established.
Refer to the OpenAccess SDK Administrator’s Guide for a discussion of specifying connection information for primary and secondary OpenAccess SDK Servers.



Data type
