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Using the JDBC Client : Using DataDirect Bulk Load : Using a DDBulkLoad Object : Loading Data From a ResultSet Object

Loading Data From a ResultSet Object

Use the setTableName() method to specify the table to load the data. Then, use the load() method, specifying the ResultSet object. For example, to load data from a ResultSet object named rs into a table named GBMAXTABLE, you would specify:
This example loads the first column in the result set to the ColName1 column, the second column in the result set to the ColName2 column, and so on.
Use the BulkLoadBatchSize property to specify the number of rows the driver loads at a time when bulk loading data. Performance can be improved by increasing the number of rows the driver loads at a time because fewer network round trips are required. Be aware that increasing the number of rows that are loaded also causes the driver to consume more memory on the client. See DataDirect Bulk Load Methods for more information about bulk load methods.