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Using the ODBC Client : Connecting Using Saved Login Information : On Windows

On Windows

The following procedure assumes that you have created an ODBC data source called oa81_myDSN.
1. From a command prompt, change to the driver installation directory.
C:> install_dir\
2. Type oaencpwd, and then press ENTER.
C:> install_dir\oaencpwd
3. Specify the data source type:
Choose System DSN [S] or User DSN [U].
Type S if the data source is a System DSN.
Type U if the data source is a User DSN.
4. Choose the type of password to encrypt and store:
[1]=Password (PWD)
[2]=DBPassword (DBPWD)
[3]=HPassword (HPWD)
[4]=NewPassword (NPWD)
Choice: [1] ==> 1
5. You are prompted to enter the password. Type the password and press ENTER. Keystrokes are not shown.
DSN=oa81_myDSN : Password (PWD) stored encrypted.
Would you like to store a LogonID (UID) as well? [Y] [N]
Choice: ==> Y
6. You are prompted to choose whether to store a logon ID. If you want to store a logon ID, type Y.
DSN=oa81_myDSN : Password (PWD) stored encrypted.
Would you like to store a LogonID (UID) as well? [Y] [N]
Choice: ==> Y
7. Type the logon ID (UID) and press ENTER.
Enter LogonID (UID):my_logonid
DSN=oa81_myDSN : LogonID (UID) stored.