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Using DataDirect Test : DataDirect Test Tutorial : Retrieving Database Metadata

Retrieving Database Metadata

1. From the Connection window menu, select Connection / Get DB Meta Data.
2. Select MetaData / Show Meta Data. Information about the JDBC driver and the database to which you are connected is returned.
3. Scroll through the Java code in the Java Code scroll box to find out which JDBC calls have been implemented by DataDirect Test.
Metadata also allows you to query the database catalog (enumerate the tables in the database, for example). In this example, we will query all tables with a test01 schema patter
4. Select MetaData / Tables.
5. In the Schema Pattern field, type test01.
6. Click Ok. The Connection window indicates that getTables() succeeded.
7. Select Results / Show All Results. All tables with the test01 schema pattern are returned.