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Developing ADO.NET Applications : Designing .NET Applications for Performance : Designing .NET Applications : Using Commands Multiple Times

Using Commands Multiple Times

Choosing whether to use the Command.Prepare method can have a significant positive (or negative) effect on query execution performance. The Command.Prepare method tells the underlying data provider to optimize for multiple executions of statements that use parameter markers. Note that it is possible to Prepare any command regardless of which execution method is used (ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery, or ExecuteScalar).
Consider the case where a .NET data provider implements Command.Prepare by creating a stored procedure on the server that contains the prepared statement. Creating stored procedures involves substantial overhead, but the statement can be executed multiple times. Although creating stored procedures is performance-expensive, execution of that statement is minimized because the query is parsed and optimization paths are stored at create procedure time. Applications that execute the same statement multiples times can benefit greatly from calling Command.Prepare and then executing that command multiple times.
However, using Command.Prepare for a statement that is executed only once results in unnecessary overhead. Furthermore, applications that use Command.Prepare for large single execution query batches exhibit poor performance. Similarly, applications that either always use Command.Prepare or never use Command.Prepare do not perform as well as those that use a logical combination of prepared and unprepared statements.