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Developing ADO.NET Applications : Designing .NET Applications for Performance : Designing .NET Applications : Using Native Managed Providers

Using Native Managed Providers

Bridges into unmanaged code, that is, code outside the .NET environment, adversely affect performance. Calling unmanaged code from managed code causes the CLR (Common Language Runtime) to make additional checks on calls to the unmanaged code, which impacts performance.
The .NET CLR is a very efficient and highly tuned environment. By using 100% managed code so that your .NET assemblies run inside the CLR, you can take advantage of the numerous built-in services to enhance the performance of your managed application and your staff. The CLR provides automatic memory management, so developers don't have to spend time debugging memory leaks. Automatic lifetime control of objects includes garbage collection, scalability features, and support for side-by-side versions. In addition, the .NET Framework security enforces security restrictions on managed code that protects the code and data from being misused or damaged by other code. An administrator can define a security policy to grant or revoke permissions on an enterprise, a machine, an assembly, or a user level.
However, many .NET data provider architectures must bridge outside the CLR into native code to establish network communication with the database server. The overhead and processing required to enter this bridge is slow in the current version of the CLR.
Depending on your architecture, you may not realize that the underlying .NET data provider is incurring this security risk and performance penalty. Be careful when choosing a .NET data provider that advertises itself as a 100% or pure managed code data provider. If the "Managed Data Provider" requires unmanaged database clients or other unmanaged pieces, then it is not a 100% managed data access solution. Only a very few vendors produce true managed code providers that implement their entire stack as a managed component.