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Embedding OpenAccess SDK Server in Java applications : Sample for UNIX : Files for embedding in Java applications

Files for embedding in Java applications

Note: Replace the placeholder install_dir with the directory where you have installed the OpenAccess SDK Server and IP SDK.
install_dir/bin/ OpenAccess SDK Server shared library
install_dir/shlibsrv/oajava/oaserver/ OpenAccess SDK embedded Server load class
install_dir/shlibsrv/oajava/oaserver/ OpenAccess SDK embedded Server Class
install_dir/shlibsrv/oajava/oaserver/ OpenAccess SDK embedded Server sample
install_dir/shlibsrv /makefile: make file
install_dir/shlibsrv / korn shell script starting the Java sample

Compiling Java sample

1. Type cd install_dir
2. If you are using a C shell, type:
source ip/cfg/
If you are using a Korn shell, type:
. ./ip/cfg/
3. Type cd install_dir/shlibsrv
4. Type make javasample