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OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine core methods for Java : Exchanging data : Methods for Java reference

Methods for Java reference

This section is your reference to the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine methods for Java.
In this section: 
* dam_addColAliasxxxValToRow
* dam_addError
* dam_addErrorEx
* dam_addLOBLocatorValToRow
* dam_addOutputRow
* dam_addResultBufferToTable
* dam_addRowBufferToRowTable
* dam_addRowToRowSet
* dam_addRowToTable
* dam_adddxxxVValToRow
* dam_add_schemaobj
* dam_allocOutputRow
* dam_allocResultBuffer
* dam_allocRow
* dam_allocRowSet
* dam_clearError
* dam_compareCol
* dam_copyRow
* dam_createVal
* dam_describeCol
* dam_describeColDetail
* dam_describeColResAlias
* dam_describeColScalar
* dam_describeColScalarEx2
* dam_describeCond
* dam_describeCondEx
* dam_describeIndex
* dam_describeIndexCol
* dam_describeJoinCond
* dam_describeJoinTable
* dam_describeProcedure
* dam_describeScalarEx
* dam_describeScalarEx2
* dam_describeTable
* dam_describeTableByProcessOrder
* dam_describeTableCorrelationName
* dam_describeTableFunction and dam_describeTableFunctionW
* dam_evaluateColCond
* dam_freeBulkValue
* dam_freeResultBuffer
* dam_freeRow
* dam_freeSetOfConditionList
* dam_getBulkRowStatusArray
* dam_getBulkValueToSet
* dam_getCol
* dam_getColByNameAndType
* dam_getColByNum
* dam_getColCount
* dam_getColInCond
* dam_getColOption
* dam_getColToSet
* dam_getCondRightVal
* dam_getCondVal
* dam_getFirstCol
* dam_getFirstCond
* dam_getFirstCondList
* dam_getFirstGrantedObject
* dam_getFirstGrantee
* dam_getFirstIndexCol
* dam_getFirstInsertRow
* dam_getFirstPrivilege
* dam_getFirstSchemaObject
* dam_getFirstValExp
* dam_getFirstValueSet
* dam_getFirstView
* dam_getGroupByCol
* dam_getInfo
* dam_getInputRow
* dam_getIP_hcol
* dam_getIP_hstmt
* dam_getJoinColValue
* dam_getJoinQuery
* dam_getMemTree
* dam_getNextCol
* dam_getNextCond
* dam_getNextCondList
* dam_getNextGrantedObject
* dam_getNextGrantee
* dam_getNextIndexCol
* dam_getNextInsertRow
* dam_getNextJoinStmt
* dam_getNextPrivilege
* dam_getNextSchemaObject
* dam_getNextValExp
* dam_getNextValueSet
* dam_getNextView
* dam_getOptimalIndexAndConditions
* dam_getOrderByCol
* dam_getOriginalQueryParamCount
* dam_getOriginalQueryParamValue
* dam_getQuery
* dam_getQueryFirstResultValue
* dam_getQueryNextResultValue
* dam_getRestrictionList
* dam_getRole
* dam_getRowBuffer
* dam_getSchemaObjectList
* dam_getSetOfConditionListsEx
* dam_getTableSearchExp
* dam_getTableStmt
* dam_getTableFunctionArgList
* dam_getUpdateRow
* dam_getUpdateRowAsExp
* dam_getUser
* dam_getValueOfExp
* dam_getValueToSet
* dam_getValueTypeOfExp
* dam_ip_ddl
* dam_isSearchPatternObject
* dam_isSchemaTableFunction() and dam_isSchemaTableFunctionW
* dam_isTableFunction
* dam_isTargetRow
* dam_isTargetRowForConditionList
* dam_setInfo
* dam_setIP_hcol
* dam_setIP_hstmt
* dam_setJoinOrder
* dam_setOption
* dam_strlikecmp
* tm_trace