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DataDirect OpenAccess SDK : Product Documentation Roadmap

Product Documentation Roadmap

The following table provides a roadmap to DataDirect OpenAccess SDK documentation.
OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine Programmer’s Guide
Read this guide first if you are going to use the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine to develop a data source interface provider.
Learn the features of OpenAccess SDK SQL engine.
Learn the process of writing an IP to produce a custom driver or data provider.
Implement schema and data read/write operations.
OpenAccess SDK Third-Party SQL Engine Programmer’s Guide and Reference
Read this guide if you are going to use a third-party SQL engine to develop a data source interface provider that will interact with DataDirect OpenAccess SDK.
Learn about the interface that the IP developer must implement when connecting to a data source that includes a SQL engine, such as Oracle.
OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine Programmer’s Reference for C/C++
Implement a custom data source interface provider, using C or C++.
Understand the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine and IP APIs.
Set up the development environment.
OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine Programmer’s Reference for Java
Implement a custom data source interface provider, using Java.
Understand the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine and IP APIs.
Set up the development environment.
OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine Programmer’s Reference for .NET
Implement a custom data source interface provider, using .NET.
Understand the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine and IP APIs.
Set up the development environment.
OpenAccess SDK Administrator’s Guide
Learn about configuring and managing DataDirect OpenAccess SDK Clients, Local Client, Server and IP SDK.
Learn how to use the Interactive SQL tools.
Learn how to configure security.
OpenAccess SDK Installation Guide
Learn how to install OpenAccess SDK Server and IP SDK.
Learn how to install the OpenAccess SDK Clients for ODBC, JDBC, ADO, and ADO.NET.
OpenAccess SDK Troubleshooting Guide and Reference
Find troubleshooting information and error messages.
OpenAccess SDK Client Reference
Learn how to develop ODBC, ADO, JDBC, and .NET applications for the OpenAccess SDK environment.
OpenAccess SDK SQL Reference
Learn about the OpenAccess SDK support for SQL.