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Designing and coding the IP : DDL object management : Create Index processing

Create Index processing

The SQL syntax for creating an index is:
create_index ::= CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON base_table_name
(column_identifier [ASC | DESC] [,column_identifier...]...)
index_name ::= [index_qualifier.]index_name
When a SQL query of this form is issued, the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine maps this information to a list of schema objects of type damobj_stat. The following table shows how the CREATE INDEX query is mapped to the schema objects.
Table 12: CREATE INDEX syntax to schema objects mapping 
Schema object properties
non_unique = FALSE (if UNIQUE is specified. TRUE Otherwise)
seq_in_index = number indicating the sequence of the column in the index. Numbers start at 1
column_name = name of the column
collation = 'A' for ASC, 'D' for DESC, '\0' Otherwise
CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON base_table_name
(column_identifier [ASC | DESC])
The index information is mapped to a list of schema object of type DAMOBJ_TYPE_STAT. The number of stat objects in the list is based on the number of columns in the CREATE INDEX command.
When the DDL function in the IP is called, the DDL function should perform the following steps:
1. Get the index definition.
pList = dam_getSchemaObjectList(hstmt, DAMOBJ_TYPE_STAT);
damobj_stat pStatObj = dam_getFirstSchemaObject(pList);
while ( pStatObj ){
/* get the index information from pStatObj */
pStatObj = dam_getNextSchemaObject(pList);
2. Use the index information to create an index.