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IP API Reference for Java : Overview : Local Configuration

Local Configuration

The architecture of a local ODBC driver is shown in the following figure. The OpenAccess SDK Client is a ready-to-use component supplied as a DLL. It implements the ODBC, ADO, or the .NET API. At run-time, the driver loads the JVM and the class you registered with the OpenAccess SDK Manager for implementing the third-party SQL Engine IP interface.
Figure 2: Local Configuration
Both the OpenAccess SDK ODBC Driver DLL and the JVM DLL reside in the process space of the application that loads the OpenAccess SDK ODBC Driver.
Steps to develop an ODBC driver for your Java data source:
1. Install the JDBC Client.
2. If you are going to expose your schema by creating tables (that is, using OA_TABLES) in your backend, then use the supplied DDL files to create the required tables and populate them with the metadata for the objects you want to expose.
3. Implement the third-party SQL engine IP API for Java in a Java class, and register the class using the OpenAccess SDK Manager.