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Configuring the ADO Client : Using Interactive SQL for ADO : Interactive SQL Command-line Syntax

Interactive SQL Command-line Syntax

OLEDBISQL supports the following command line syntax:

oledbisql [-p provider] [-c cmdfile] [-n ncmdfile] [-e] [-h] [-b count] [-q] [-r count] [-m count] [-t]
The following table describes the command line options for OLEDBISQL.
Table 23. OLEDBISQL Command Line Options

-b count
Enables the benchmark mode, in which printing of results from queries is turned off. The rows fetched is printed after the specified number of records is read. Use this option to time the execution of large queries without having to wait for the results to be printed.

-b 1000

-c cmdfile
Executes the commands in the cmdfile. The cmdfile can contain multiple commands.

-c test.sql

Echoes the command being executed to the standard out. This option can be used when OLEDBISQL is set up to run automated test scripts so that the output file contains the command being executed.


Displays command line usage.


-m count
Specifies the maximum rows to be displayed. The default value is 100. When set to 0, there is no limit on the number of rows.

-m 1000

-n cmdfile
Executes the commands in the cmdfile. The cmdfile contains Unicode commands and must be in UTF-8 format.

-n utest.sql

-p provider
Gives the data provider display name. If this option is not specified, a list with all available data providers on your system will be displayed.

-p OpenAccess

Enables quiet mode. Output such as the start up message and time to complete the operation is not sent to the standard output.

-r count
Sets the rowset batch size. The default value is 50.

-r 100
Enables test mode. In this mode, error messages are sent to stdout. Some informational messages are suppressed. For timestamp fields, fractional seconds are not reported.
