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OpenAccess SDK Service Attributes : Defining Service Attributes : ServiceJVMOptions


Specifies the options to pass to the JVM that is loaded to run the Java IP. Each option is separated by a dash (-). The service filters out the following options: -c, -classpath, -help, -?
Use this attribute to tune the JVM, enable debugging of your Java IP, and to enable JVM tracing. For example, setting this attribute to the following string allows Eclipse and other debuggers to attach to the IP code:

-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=9003,server=y,suspend=n –Xdebug
If this value is not set, then the value of the OASDK_JVMOptions environment variable is read. If no value is specified, then the JVM is loaded without any extra options.
For a Local configuration, you must include -Xms4M -Xmx8M.


An empty string.



IP Type:

Note: This service attribute is used only by the OpenAccess SDK service for Java.