Console menu
Commands that perform the following actions:
Creates a new console.
Opens a console.
Saves changes you make to the current console.
Save as
Saves the current console with another name.
Add/Remove Snap-in
Adds or removes MMC snap-ins to or from the MMC.
Options that affect how the console can be used.
Window menu
Options that affect the console window.
Help menu
Accesses online help for the MMC.
Creates a new console.
Opens a console.
Saves changes to the current console.
Creates a new window.
Action menu
Commands that perform actions applicable to the selected object. For example, if an active service is selected, the Stop command is available.
View menu
Allows you to customize how the console appears. It also allows you to turn on the Auto refresh option for the Monitor nodes and OpenAccess SDK Services nodes for the current session.
Favorites menu
Allows you to add views to your Favorites list.
Moves back to the last configurable item in the console tree.
Moves forward to the next configurable item in the console tree.
Moves up one level in the console tree.
Shows or hides the console tree.
Displays the properties of a service.
Deletes an attribute when you select it while a service attribute is selected.
Refreshes active information in the console tree.
Accesses online help for the MMC and for the OpenAccess SDK Management Console.
Saves all modifications to the configuration file.
Discards all modifications and reverts to the original configuration file.
Adds a data access service.
Saves changes to the OpenAccess SDK configuration.
Starts and stops services.