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Using the JDBC Client : JDBC Connection Properties : AlternateServers



A comma-separated list of alternate OpenAccess SDK Servers that the JDBC Client will try to connect to if the primary OpenAccess SDK Server is unavailable. The value of this property is a string that specifies each alternate OpenAccess SDK Server. This string has the format:
The ConnectionRetryCount property controls the number of times the JDBC Client retries the primary OpenAccess SDK server, and if specified, alternate servers while attempting to establish a connection. The ConnectionRetryDelay property sets the wait interval, in seconds, between retry attempts.

Valid Values

(servername1:port1[;serverDataSource=datasourcename], servername2:port2[;serverDataSource=datasourcename],...)
The server name and port number are required for each alternate server entry. The serverDataSource property (serverDataSource=datasourcename) is optional for each alternate OpenAccess SDK Server entry.


The following URL contains alternate server entries for server2 and server3.
jdbc:openaccess://server1:19986;serverDataSource=SDSN1;User=test;Password=secret;AlternateServers=(server2:19986;serverDataSource=SDSN2, server3:19986;serverDataSource=SDSN3)
contains alternate server entries for server2 and server3.



Data type
