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SQL Escape Sequences : Outer Join Escape Sequences

Outer Join Escape Sequences

ODBC and JDBC support the SQL-92 left, right, and full outer join syntax. The escape sequence for outer joins is:
JDBC ODBC {oj outer-join}
where outer-join is:
table-reference {LEFT | RIGHT | FULL} OUTER JOIN
{table-reference | outer-join} ON search-condition
where table-reference is a table name, and search-condition is the join condition you want to use for the tables.


SELECT Customers.CustID, Customers.Name, Orders.OrderID, Orders.Status
Orders ON Customers.CustID=Orders.CustID}
WHERE Orders.Status='OPEN'
The following table lists the outer join escape sequences supported.
Table 40: Outer Join Escape Sequences Supported
Data Store
Outer Join Escape Sequences
OpenAccess SDK SQL engine
Left outer joins
Right outer joins
Full outer joins
Nested outer joins
Unordered outer joins
Inner outer joins
Third-party SQL engine
Refer to the documentation for the third-party SQL engine.