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Using the ADO.NET Client : Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures

Note: The ADO.NET Client attaches the provider-specific prefix "OpenAccess" to the names of the public objects, for example, OpenAccessConnection or OpenAccessCommand.
To enable stored procedures in the application, do the following:
Set the CommandText property in the OpenAccessCommand object to the stored procedure name.
Set the CommandType property in the OpenAccessCommand object to StoredProcedure.
Specify parameter arguments, if needed. The application should Add the parameters to the parameter collection of the OpenAccessCommand object in the order of the arguments to the stored procedure. The application does not need to specify the parameter markers in the CommandText property of the OpenAccessCommand object.
To retrieve the return value from a stored procedure, the application should add an extra parameter to the parameter collection for the OpenAccessCommand object. This parameter’s ParameterDirection property should be set to ParameterDirection.ReturnValue. The return value parameter can be anywhere in the parameter collection because it does not correspond to a specific parameter marker in the Text property of the OpenAccessCommand object.
If the stored procedure does not produce a return value, parameters bound with the ParameterDirection.ReturnValue property are ignored.
If the stored procedure returns a ReturnValue from the database and the application has not bound a parameter for it, the data provider discards the value.