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Developing ADO.NET Applications : Designing .NET Applications for Performance : Updating Data : Synchronizing Changes Back to the Data Source

Synchronizing Changes Back to the Data Source

The following example shows the application flow for updating a DataSet using Oracle’s Rowid as the update mechanism:
// Create the DataAdapter and DataSets
OpenAccessCommand DbCmd = new OpenAccessCommand
("SELECT rowid, deptid, deptname FROM department", DBConn);
myDataAdapter = new OpenAccessDataAdapter();
myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = DBCmd;
myDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "Departments");
// Build the Update rules
// Specify how to update data in the data set
myDataAdapter.UpdateCommand = new
OpenAccessCommand("Update department set deptname = ? ", deptid = ? " +
"WHERE rowid =?", DBConn);
// Bind parameters
("param1", OpenAccessDbType.VarChar,100,"deptname");
In this example, performance of the queries on the Oracle server improves because the WHERE clause includes only the rowid as a search condition.