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OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine core methods for .NET : Helper classes

Helper classes

The following table lists the .NET helper classes used by IP to pass data to and from the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine methods for .NET.
Table 35: Helper classes 
Class Name
Defines the name, number, value, and remarks field of a customized driver information property.
Defines the information describing a data type supported by the data source. The values of the members can be set using setTypesInfo() or using the parameterized constructor. The method ipGetTypesInfo returns an array of oa_types_info objects if the IP code chooses to over ride the default type information. There is one entry in the array for each data type supported by the data source.
Use the scalar_functions class to register user defined scalar functions.
The schemaobj_column class is used to define column objects and to access the search conditions when ipSchema is called for ip.DAMOBJ_TYPE_COLUMN.
The schemaobj_fkeys class is used to define foreign key column objects and to access the search conditions when ipSchema is called for ip.DAMOBJ_TYPE_FKEY.
The schemaobj_pkeys class is used to define primary key column objects and to access the search conditions when ipSchema is called for ip.DAMOBJ_TYPE_PKEY.
The schemaobj_proc class is used to define stored procedure objects and to access the search conditions when ipSchema is called for ip.DAMOBJ_TYPE_PROC.
The schemaobj_proccolumns class is used to define stored procedure column objects and to access the search conditions when ipSchema is called for ip.DAMOBJ_TYPE_PROCCOLUMNS.
The schemaobj_stat class is used to define index objects and to access the search conditions when ipSchema is called for ip.DAMOBJ_TYPE_STAT.
The schemaobj_table class is used to define table objects and to access the search conditions when ipSchema is called for ip.DAMOBJ_TYPE_TABLE.
The xo_type class represents data type details about a column. An object of this type is returned by a call to dam_describeColDetail.