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SQL Engine parse tree methods for .NET : SQL pass-through and advanced query methods reference

SQL pass-through and advanced query methods reference


This method is used to build up a row by adding values for columns of the tables involved in the query. NULL data is added by specifying the XO_NULL_DATA value flag for the value length.
This method copies data from the user supplied input buffer to its internal buffers and therefore the IP can free the memory associated with the input buffer (colVal).
The following data type specific methods exist for .NET:
int damex_addBinaryColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
byte[] colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addCharColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
String colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addBigIntColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
long colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addBitColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
bool colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addDoubleColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
double colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addFloatColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
float colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addIntColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
int colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addShortColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
short colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addTimeStampColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
ref DateTime colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addTinyIntColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
byte colVal,
int lColValLen)
int damex_addWCharColValToRow(
int64 hstmt,
int64 hRow,
int64 hCol,
String colVal,
int lColValLen)
Table 205: Parameters for damex_addxxxColValToRow 
The statement handle
The row handle
The column handle
The type of the data. This can be any data type from which a conversion to the column's data types is supported. Please refer to the following data conversion table:
depends on the method used
The .NET type of the data should correspond to the iXoType value. See Table 34.
The length of the data:
XO_NULL_DATA – indicates a null value
For VARCHAR, CHAR and NUMERIC, either the number of characters or XO_NTS to add the entire string.
For all other data types, 0 or any value other than XO_NULL_DATA.
DAM_SUCCESS – added the value to the row
DAM_FAILURE – error adding the value