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Implementing Table Expression Pushdown : About Table Expression Pushdown

About Table Expression Pushdown

The objective of this feature is to allow the IP to get the complete search condition (filter conditions) and join condition for each table. This will allow the IP to continue to build results for each table in the query, and also access the complete search conditions for each table and its join conditions.
This feature is intended for users whose back-ends have the ability to narrow the result set from a table based on a search expression that includes logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), arithmetic expressions and comparison operators.
Consider this example query:
SELECT * FROM encounters E WHERE
(E.admit_doctor = E.consult_doctor AND E.total_charges > (E.credit_limit * OR UPPER(E.Patient_name) = 'JOE'
In Table Expression Pushdown mode, the IP can use the complete WHERE clause to filter the rows returned from the encounters table.
The OpenAccess SDK SQL engine Parse Tree API can be used in standard row-based IP mode to analyze a query on the current table and determine whether the query should be allowed.