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SQL statements : DML statements : CALL


This statement executes a stored procedure from within SQL.
OpenAccess SDK allows client applications to invoke stored procedures within the IP. This allows the IP to implement many functions on the server as part of the IP code. A stored procedure is implemented as part of the IP code, or within your database system and exposed by a name and the required arguments. The stored procedures can optionally return results and return values.


[? =] [CALL] stored_procedure_name[(Param1, Param2...)]
The CALL keyword and parenthesis around arguments are optional. The following syntax can be used for stored procedures:
{CALL procedure(arg1, arg2,...)}
CALL procedure(arg1, arg2,...)
CALL procedure arg1, arg2
procedure arg1, arg2


CALL update_emp(1,'a', ?)
? = CALL multiresult(2, 3)
? = multiresult(2, 3)
update_salary 10, 10000
Note: If you have implemented the NATIVE function as part of your IP and were using statements similar to procedure (a1,a2), you must modify the native commands to use an angled bracket (<, >) for the argument list to prevent the SQL engine from interpreting it as a stored procedure call.