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Using the ADO Client : ADO Connection Attributes : Connection Retry Delay

Connection Retry Delay


ConnectionRetryDelay (CRD)


Specifies the seconds the data provider waits after the initial unsuccessful connection attempt before retrying a connection to the primary OpenAccess SDK server and, if specified, to the alternate OpenAccess SDK servers.
NOTE: This option has no effect unless the Connection Retry Count connection option is set to an integer value greater than 0.

Valid Values

An integer from 0 to 65535.
If set to 0, there is no delay between retries.


Alternate Servers=(Host=server2:Port=19986,Host=server3:Port=19986,Host=server4:Port=19986);Connection Retry Count=2;Connection Retry Delay=3
If a connection is not successfully established on the data provider’s first pass through the list of OpenAccess SDK servers, the data provider retries the list of servers twice. It waits 3 seconds between the first and second connection retry attempts.
See Configuring Connection Failover for a discussion of connection failover.




Failover tab