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Interface Provider class : ipGetInfo


This method is used by the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine to query the IP about its version and its behavior in various areas. It is called after the ipConnect method call and may be called before processing some other functions. Most IPs can ignore all the keys except the IP_VERSION key and use the implementation shown in the IP template. The sample IPs contain implementations with settings that are generally applicable.
String ipGetInfo(int iInfoType)
Table 4. Parameters for ipGetInfo
The type of information requested. See Table 5 for more information.
Value of the option as a string. For options that require a TRUE or FALSE value, use "1" to return TRUE and "0" to return FALSE. Return NULL to accept the default.
Table 5. Information Type for ipGetInfo
Information Type
Return TRUE if block joins should be supported on join conditions that do not use the EQUAL operator. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is FALSE.
Return TRUE if static schema can be modified. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is the value specified for the service attribute ServiceSQLSchemaUpdateAllowed.
Return the limit on the number of condition lists that can be generated to normalize the search condition. If the search condition cannot be normalized within the limit, the query will be processed without exposing the condition lists to the IP. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is 1024.
Return TRUE if the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine should convert numeric strings to have correct number of scale digits based on Scale/Precision. Return FALSE if no conversion should be applied.
The default value is FALSE.
Connection level information. Returns the value for the result row count.
The IP can specify the required result row count for DDL operations. If the IP does not specify any value, a value of -1 is reported.
The default value is -1.
Connection level information. Return 1 if the IP is written to customize the driver information.
The default value is 0.
Return the limit on number of errors that should be reported per query. Any errors that exceed the limit will be ignored. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is 10.
Return TRUE if you want the Catalog functions to only return views that belong to the current qualifier. Return FALSE if you want all views to be exposed to client applications.
The default value is FALSE.
Connection level information. Specifies whether to generate column name for the constant expression in the query. Return FALSE if no column name is generated for a constant expression in the query.
The default value is TRUE.
Return the limit on condition lists that are expanded for IN (subquery). dam_getSetOfConditionListsEx should skip expansion of IN condition list when it exceeds the limit. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is 1024.
Return TRUE if you want to ignore DATE, TIME, and DATETIME literal errors in pass-through and selective pass-through modes.
The default value is FALSE.
Return the percentage of tables that can remain unordered when star join relation is used for deciding the join order. When join ordering is decided using the star join relation of a single fact table related to multiple Dimension tables, this limit is used to check whether ordering can be decided even if all tables cannot be ordered. Any tables that cannot be ordered will be processed at the end of the ordered list in the order they appear in the query. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is 40.
Return the min scale value for NUMERIC/DECIMAL data types to the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine to perform numeric calculations.
If this value is not specified in the IP, a default value of 3 is returned. An error is reported if the value is greater than 127 or is less than 0.
Return a flag indicating what conditions should be passed through to the IP in case of multi- column indexes. Should return a bitwise OR with one of the following options:
*IP_MCI_FILTER_NONE - pass in all conditions.
*IP_MCI_FILTER_LIKE - filter out like.
*IP_MCI_FILTER_NOT - filter out NOT.
If the IP returns IP_MCI_FILTER_NONE as the value, then the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine only checks operator support for the condition and does not apply any additional filtering. If the IP returns IP_MCI_FILTER_DEFAULT as the value, then the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine filters out columns with LIKE, IS NULL, NOT and COLLATION ORDER conditions. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is IP_MCI_FILTER_DEFAULT
The IP should return the current login name or a fixed name like "OAUSER". The owner name is used by the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine as the default owner name during query validation.
The default value is OAUSER.
The term used to refer to the second part of the three part object name. The value is returned as a string.
The default value is Owner.
Return the default qualifier value for this connection. If CREATE VIEW/DROP VIEW commands do not specify the qualifier, this value is used as the qualifier. The value returned here and the value returned as the TABLE_QUALIFIER for the table/column objects within this database must match.
The default value is SCHEMA.
The term used to describe what the first part of the three-part object name refers to.
The default value is Database.
Return TRUE if you want the schema search objects to include search pattern. Return FALSE if you cannot support search patterns.
The default value is FALSE.
Return TRUE if you want to be able to return result value based on the result column alias name. Return FALSE if you want the base column value to be returned for the corresponding result columns.
The default behavior is FALSE.
Return TRUE to indicate that the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine should report an error when TableRowset limit is exceeded. Default behavior is for the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine to convert the table rowset into data required for current outer block rows being processed and not raise any errors.
The default behavior is FALSE.
Connection level information. Return 1 if the IP is written to customize the types information.
The default value is 0.
The transaction isolation level supported by the IP. Should return one of the following:
The value is returned as an integer.
The default value is SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED.
Return TRUE if the OpenAccess SQL Engine should use the Primary Key as the Unique index for query optimization. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is FALSE.
Return TRUE if the OpenAccess SQL Engine should use the ROWID column as the Unique index for query optimization. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is FALSE.
Indicates to the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine whether or not it should enforce a check constraint when null values are specified in non-nullable result columns.
Valid values:
If set to TRUE, the default value, the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine enforces the check constraint and reports the integrity constraint violation.
If set to FALSE, the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine ignores the violation and allows null values.
Note: This option is only applicable when working in SQL pass-through mode.
Return FALSE if you do not want the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine to validate query semantics in pass-through query mode. This is useful when the data source query engine supports non-standard SQL syntax. The value is returned as a short.
The default value is TRUE.
All columns of the SELECT list and ORDER BY should have set functions.
SELECT COUNT(empno) FROM emp ORDER BY empno;
Return FALSE if scalar function validation should be optional. If the query uses a scalar function that is not registered, the SQL Engine will not report an error during query planning.
The value is returned as a short.
The default value is TRUE.
Return TRUE if the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine should validate the table using the value returned for IP_INFO_OWNER_NAME. This option is used when the query does not qualify the table reference with the owner. Note that if the query is fully qualified these options are not applicable. The table owner validation is applied to User Tables and Views and not to System Tables.
Applications that have fixed schema can return FALSE.
The default value is FALSE.
Return the IP version string in the format ##.##.
Return TRUE for the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine to validate the table reference in the query using the value returned for IP_INFO_QUALIFIER_NAME. This option is used when the query does not qualify the table reference with the qualifier. If the query is fully qualified, this option is not applicable. The table qualifier validation is applied to User Tables and Views and not to System Tables.
Applications that have a fixed schema can return FALSE.
The default value is FALSE.
Return TRUE for the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine to use the current qualifier for the System table schema instead of the default "SCHEMA".
The default value is FALSE.